Modern slavery policy
Our commitment
QCEL is committed to ensuring that its services and supply chain are free from risk or acts of slavery or human trafficking. We acknowledge our responsibility to ensure that both we and those organisations that supply us with goods and services adopt a transparent approach to ensure that wherever possible the ethical stance required under The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is maintained.
We are small organisation ourselves falling below the statutory threshold of a £36m turnover where such demands are mandatory but nevertheless our own moral standards of trading mean that we will adhere to the necessary demands of the Act.
The services that we provide mean that we source equipment from a variety of manufacturers both domestically and internationally. As part of our own due diligence we are now introducing control measures to ensure that our supply chain does not include businesses who adopt such unethical practices. We will not have dealings with any supplier who is knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking.
It shall remain the responsibility of the Directors and other senior personnel to implement this policy and communicate it to our own employees.